Music and Commitment, Discipline and Perseverance

Music education develops the capacity to persist in the face of internal and external challenges, and young people involved in musical studies are shown to surpass their peers on tasks measuring perseverance. (1,2)

Through the study of music, students learn to turn barriers into opportunities, overcome difficulty in completing complex tasks and sustain attention. (2-6)

Musical studies also offer the opportunity to build a sense of commitment to the group and the project, and to overcome anxieties and fears through the development of discipline and resiliency. (3-5)



  1. Scott, L. (1992). Attention and perseverance behaviors of preschool children enrolled in Suzuki violin lessons and other activities. Journal of Research in Music Education, 40, 225-235.
  2. DeMoss, K. & Morris, T. (2002). How arts integration supports student learning: Students shed light on the connections. Chicago, IL: Chicago Arts Partnership in Education
  3. Fiske, E. (Ed.). (2000). Champions of Change: The impact of the arts on learning.
    Washington DC: Arts Education Partnership and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities.
  4. Dweck, C.S. (1989). Motivation. In A. Lesgold and R. Glaser (Eds.), Foundations for a psychology of education. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  5. Caterall, J.S. (2002). The arts and the transfer of learning. In R.Deasy (Ed.). Critical links: Learning in the arts and student academic and social development. Washington, DC: Arts Education Partnership.
  6. Benard, D. (2004). Resiliency: What we have learned. San Francisco, CA: WestEd.